Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Mr Pants' latest opus

Prettiebottom's partner, Mr. Pants, has recently worked on a film that is an objective critique of the methods of one Mike Moore, he of Roger, Columbine etc. See the trailer here.

Now, on one hand we can't condemn MM for bringing a slice of reality to the world that it might otherwise not wish to see but on the other did we really need to see MM being all SNAGy as he comforted and hugged a sobbing grade school teacher. Editing already, MM! Personally, I think the left is at a time in history where a bit of humility and reflexivity is in order, lest we succumb to total zealousness. For me, this critique of MM is a question of intent - just because one's intentions are valid does not warrant manipulation to acheive them. So there. And go see the film, assuming it gets distribution... turns out suggesting self-critique is a tough sell.


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