Monday, June 19, 2006

Rules for living: More about sleep

Rules for Living #7: Bedtime matters
Bedtime - there's more to it than it being that thing you do after South Park on Fox29 at 11.30 and maybe a bit of King of the Hill at midnight.
My naturopath tells me

1. That each hour of sleep before midnight is actually worth two hours

2. There are some hormones that need to regenerate themselves and such early in one's sleep that happens before midnight.
Both of these facts assume one gets any sleep before midnight. However, my sluggishness appears to be a function of my adrenal glands being out of whack, and the best way to get them to behave is to have a regular bedtime and a regular waking time. Ha. I think the last time I had those was before our favourite 80s pop music icons with "George" in their name were gay. (Pls do not mistake this installment of Rules for Living as a gay bash. This is not where this is going. Just that at that time, few pop icons had come out, ergo they were not selves that are gay as part of who they are, but rather selves closeted for the sake of their careers. You know what I mean. There's plenty more. Like those with "Elton" in their name or say "Liberace" or "Rock Husdon", although describing the latter two as 80s pop icons is not so much a stretch as much as flat out dimentia on my part.) But I digress. So, apparently the out of alignment adrenal gland is responsible for all kinds of things that I assume are normal, like chaotic bursts of energy, on the verge of passing out lulls of consciousness, general feelings of lack of oxygen to my brain etc. Have, in the past week, tried tres tres hard to go to bed around 11, and am doing okay, but waking time still get's me every time. At least I am consistent in my 10hrs of sleep each and every night, but it's getting a bit tiresome that I can't get up and get moving before 9am ever, unless I e.g. have a flight to catch.
I have offloaded responsibility for my lack of ability to get up to society at large for failing to give me a job that requires I be somewhere at sometime. Not too early - 9.30 or 10 is as low as I am willing to go - but still, I am very very productive once behind a desk. One that belongs to you. Your company. Your company that pays me to work for you, that recognizes I am worthy of a wage fitting my experience and education. That desk. There.


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