Sunday, January 14, 2007

If cats programmed tv...

Tonight the selection of shows on tv is so appalling that I asked big fat Pandy what she would put on if she was in charge of a national television network. She said
8pm - Catch that mouse
8.30pm - What's for supper?
9pm - Bird sounds (season premiere)
m - Napping around the house
Doesn't any of that sound better than reruns of Everybody Loves

Friday, January 12, 2007

Love me, love my blog.

Nothing much to say - I just had to get that fabulous line out of me.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Go here now.

Go here now.
It's good. I like it.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Am I just high on myself...

... or am I looking thinner in this photo than I do in the one to the right? I mean, I am ~35 to 40lbs lighter in this one than the one to the right (taken July05), and my prettiebottom is still, of course, ample. But I think you'll notice a definite thinning of me if you look at the pasty white thighs that protrude from the shorts. Yep, a definite improvement.

Verb, adjective, noun (and sometimes prepositions).

Funny thing is, when it comes to grammar that is not far off the extent of my knowledge. Ok, so I know not to end a sentence with a preposition (and even know what a preposition is [1] ), but really I found grammar too boring to warrant much of my attention in school. So imagine my surprise when I found myself undertaking a project of grammatical proportions yesterday!

For xmas, Mr Prettiebottom received a magnetic poetry set (Shakespearian english), which will compliment the corporate-speak set (received by Prettiebottom herself a few xmases ago) quite nicely, thank you. Who doesn't like to see "professional" and "management" in situ with "codpiece"? So I was staring at the fridge, wondering how to go about creating magic with these two worlds, but found myself wholly overwhelmed with the sheer volume of words on the fridge. Frightfully inefficient! Heretofor, I seteth upon sorting them grammatically. Verb, adjective, noun - as you will see from the attached schematic. What to do with the hims and Is (pronouns?), abouts, froms, and ins (prepositions? Are you sure?), and most vexing, the wherefores, would, can, coulds (are some of those verbs?)

No, I couldn't have chosen the alphabet--with which I am completely familiar--but instead had to pick a system of which I know the bare minimum of the rules.

[1] Heresois proof that I also knoweth not to split the infinitive, but apparently this only applies in latin and was scrapped from English grammar some thirty or fourty years ago, sayeth Jinki, who knows much about the mysterious workings of speaking English.