Monday, July 17, 2006

Do what you love parachute yadda yadda chicken soup for the careerist's soul

I can't believe me it took so effing long to post on one of my fav topics - personality tests.

The classic: Not unlike the Myers Brigg test, but not quite the same. But close enough for our needs.

The new kid on the block: Personality DNA.

I swear to god, this shit saved my sanity when I was working at U of T and in desperate need of being able to articulate what was wrong with my relationship to my work (in a nutshell, beside the bonkers politics) is that I was in communications / feeding lots of lines to ppl and should've been networking a whole lot more (shudder) - both of which are hard for an INTP. That plus I think this whole capitalism stuff has had its day, and it's time to move on to a more sustainable paradigm (less about personality types, more about me being a quasi-Marxist). Anyway, end of the story is you simply cannot go another day without doing at least the Myers Brigg like test.

Friday, July 14, 2006

More autistic than your average human

It was about 2.5 yrs ago that there was a super long article in The Globe and Mail about how the percentage of autistic kids in the Silicon Valley is somewhere between 200 and 20,000 times greater than the US national average. Something about engineerings mating = greater chance for an autistic kid. The article had a test to see how one compares to control groups and autistic people. Procrastinating on this evening, reading up on Ali G / Borat / Bruno / Sacha Baron Cohen, I linked over to Simon Baron Cohen, who actually wrote the test. Fancy that! So, here is the test. You should go take it. Maybe you don't feel like working today because your autism is flaring up. (I scored 25. Not quite autistic -- I like imagining the lives of ppl in books too much to be full on autistic.)