Kids dropping off kids at the pool: A sociophysical tragedy
After the past few weeks of going to the pool not nearly enough (that thesis thing occupying all my time and energy), yesterday I put on my suit and wandered over to the community centre. Upon requesting a pool pass, I was informed that the pool had been "fouled." Eyebrows raised, I said "ok" and in the same breath asked "What does that mean?". Apparently, that means "they pooed in the pool", they being the kids who use the pool during the recreation hour that comes before grown up lane swim on a Saturday aft. Quite literally, some kids dropped the kids off at the pool. My guess is that this is not yet another of the myriad tragedies associated with neoliberal downsizing of social and educational institutions in Ontario by the conservative goverment in the 1990s, but rather a function of 1. some very little kid who didn't know any better, and/or 2. lackadasical parenting. In either case, this sociophysical tragedy hurts kids and me, and may well grow to pandemic proportions unless its addressed at the source.
Consider yourself warned.
Rules for working: Team America
You know what's funny - singing the Team America song "America - Fuck Yeah" at a Neil Young tempo and in a Neil Young voice. (So, yeah, whatev. This isn't really about work at all... but how else should I categorize / entitle this thought I simply had to share with the six of you? "Lame distractive things to think about when you're trying to write the last six to 12 pages of your master's major research paper before you hand it in on Tuesday morning"? Yeah, you're right. That sounds a lot better. Thanks.)
Rules for working
A new theme here at Prettielandia: rules for working
Uh huh. Serious. Only because I actually have a 9 to 5 job again, for the first time in over three years. I shant name names lest I wind up like this one here (little englishy in Franclandia), however suffice it to say my income this year will be twice that of 2005 (good) but will require my ass being planted in one spot for four times longer each and every week (... no comment).
Enough preamble.
Rules for Working 1: Farts must be impeccably timed, flawlessly executed
In case you didn't know, you can't just go ahead and fart wherever the hell you feel like. It is socially awkward, especially for the farter when you let one rip (or seep) just before the elevator opens on the way to terra firma and someone gets in, it smells bad, and everyone - the other person - knows it was you. Further, if you let them rip / seep as you wander around the office people will start to think you have something against them. Save your unrestrained farts for home, the great outdoors, or the national gallery of Canada.